WM ASF Writer
(too old to reply)
Robert Fiegender
2010-06-09 12:24:18 UTC
My software product uses the "WM ASF Writer" Filter (CLSID_WMAsfWriter) in
order to write WMV Video files.
One the machine of one of my customers, the Filter cannot be instantiated.

hr = CoCreateInstance(clsid,
(void **) ppFilter);

As I do not have access to the customers machine at this time, I cannot tell
you the return value, but in the error lookup tool, it was named as "unknown
Using the good old MS "GraphEdit" tool, the filter is listet, but cannot be
instantiated as well.
The WM ASF Reader Filter works fine though.

All attempts to install DirectX9, 10, 11 or the Windows Media Encoder did
not solve the problem. Also manual registration of qasf.dll using regsvr32
was reporting success, but no change.
Has anyone an idea about the reason for this or a solution for effectively
reinstall the Windows Media functionality?

Thank you!
Alessandro Angeli
2010-06-09 16:41:45 UTC
From: "Robert Fiegender"
Post by Robert Fiegender
My software product uses the "WM ASF Writer" Filter
(CLSID_WMAsfWriter) in order to write WMV Video files.
One the machine of one of my customers, the Filter cannot be

Replied in m.p.wm.sdk: do *NOT* multipost.
// Alessandro Angeli
// MVP :: DirectShow / MediaFoundation
// mvpnews at riseoftheants dot com
// http://www.riseoftheants.com/mmx/faq.htm